Why Nutritional Therapy
Autoimmune Disease is one of the fastest growing diseases in America and more prevalent in women…..The National Institutes of Health (NIH estimates up to 23.5* million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease and the prevalence is rising. This includes, Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Celiac Disease, just to name a few. There is much research out there for all of these diseases but no current cures. Just medications masking symptoms but never really getting to the underlying cause. This is where Nutritional Therapy comes in.
“Let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine”
The Nutritional Therapy Association’s (NTA) philosophy centers on the idea that real health can be achieved through a holistic and individualized approach to nutrition and lifestyle. There is no “one size fits all” approach to health. We are all bio-individuals. Similar to the uniqueness of our fingerprints, our bodies are just as unique. Nutritional Therapy is based on 6 foundations of health. Digestion, Blood Sugar Balance, Hydration, Minerals, Fatty Acids, and a Properly Prepared, Nutrient Dense Diet. For more information about the Nutritional Therapy Association, visit their website.
As a client of Nutritional Therapy, we will explore these foundations together as they apply to you and your body. The belief is that many of modern society’s health problems result from weaknesses in the body’s physiological foundations brought on by poor nutrition. With Nutritional Therapy, we focus on those weaknesses and strengthen them with food and lifestyle choices. This doesn’t mean you have to give up all your favorite foods, it’s about eliminating or modifying the foods that are weakening your body. This is a gradual process where you are in control of your own health.